Past Papers

Unable to attend a program and would like to purchase a seminar paper?
Please find below a list of all available papers in our past papers library.
Alternatively, call us on 09 363 3322 or email with your request.



  • 10 Points

  • Administrative & Public Sector Law

  • Building & Construction

  • Corporate & Commercial

  • CPD Core Areas

  • Criminal Law

  • Education

  • Employment Law & Safety

  • Family Law

  • Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

  • Immigration Law

  • Intellectual Property

  • Litigation & Dispute Resolution

  • Media & Entertainment Law

  • Mining & Resources

  • Native Title

  • Not for Profit

  • Personal Injury

  • Planning & Environment

  • Property Law

  • Religious Law

  • Wills, Estates & Elder Law

  • 2023
    10 Hours: Spotlight on Class Actions, Insurance, Employment and IP (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    10 Hours in One Day: Litigation and Disputes (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    10 Hours: Spotlight on Privacy, AML, Credit and Insolvency (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2022
    10 Hours in One Day: Litigation and Disputes (Auckland, March 2022)
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  • 2022
    10 Hours on a Saturday: Commercial Practice (Auckland, March 2022)
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  • 2021
    10 Hours in One Day: Critical Updates in Commercial Transactions (Auckland, March 2021)
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  • 2021
    10 Hours in One Day for Litigation and Disputes Lawyers (Auckland, March 2021)
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  • 2023
    Public Law Roundup (Wellington, February 2023)
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  • 2022
    Public Law Roundup (Wellington, February 2022)
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  • 2024
    In Focus: Competition and Consumer Law: Trends and Developments (Auckland, June 2024)
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  • 2024
    Navigating Risks in the In-House Counsel World (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Contract Law Conference (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Contracts Drafting Intensive: Thinking about Risk, Strategy and Common Pitfalls (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2023
    Climate Risk and Corporate Governance (Auckland, May 2023)
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  • 2023
    Class Actions & Litigation Update (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Update on Shareholder Agreements, Business Development, Sales and Franchises (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2022
    Contract Clauses Masterclass (Auckland, November 2022)
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  • 2021
    Civil Claims for Historical Abuse: The Current Legal Landscape (Auckland, June 2021)
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  • 2021
    In-House Counsel: Advanced Practice (Auckland, June 2021)
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  • 2021
    Contract Law: Drafting Intensive (Auckland, March 2021)
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  • 2024
    Criminal Law Conference 2024 (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Evidence, Significant Decisions, and Ethical Considerations in Criminal Law (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Youth Justice and Representing Youth Clients (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2023
    Youth Justice and Representing Youth Clients (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Advocacy and Client Skills in Criminal Law Practice (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Criminal Law Hot Spots and Significant Decisions (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Criminal Law Conference 2023 (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2022
    Sentencing in Criminal Law (Auckland, June 2022)
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  • 2022
    Criminal Law Conference 2022 (Auckland, March 2022)
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  • 2021
    Evidence for Criminal Lawyers (Auckland, September 2021)
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  • 2021
    Sentencing in Criminal Law: Critical Issues and Recent Cases (Auckland, June 2021)
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  • 2021
    Criminal Law Conference 2021 (Auckland, March 2021)
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  • 2023
    Student Rights, Discipline, Family Issues (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2022
    Law for School Guidance Counsellors (Auckland, June 2022)
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  • 2024
    Family Law: Relationship Property, Trusts and Section 21F Claims (Auckland, June 2024)
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  • 2024
    Drafting Family Law Affidavits, Agreements and Applications (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2023
    Family Law: Relationship Property, Trusts and Section 21F Claims (Auckland, June 2023)
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  • 2022
    Relationship Property: Issues and Challenges (Auckland, September 2022)
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  • 2022
    Family Law Forum (Auckland, June 2022)
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  • 2022
    Family Law: Evidence and Advocacy (Auckland, March 2022)
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  • 2022
    Drafting Family Law Agreements and Applications (Auckland, March 2022)
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  • 2021
    Relationship Property: The Latest Issues and Challenges (Auckland, September 2021)
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  • 2022
    Elder Law: Trusts, Property Rights and Capacity Hot Spots (Auckland, September 2022)
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  • 2023
    Process and Procedure, Tips and Traps in the Immigration Context (Auckland, June 2023)
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  • 2023
    Immigration Law Conference (Auckland, June 2023)
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  • 2023
    Fundamental Factors Impacting Visa Applications (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2024
    Intellectual Property Law: Developments & Innovations: Practical Strategies for Managing Commerciality, Data and Disputes (Auckland, June 2024)
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  • 2024
    Intellectual Property Law Update (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Class Actions: Insights and Opportunities (Auckland, May 2024)
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  • 2023
    Evidence & Advocacy Masterclass (Auckland, June 2023)
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  • 2022
    Evidence & Advocacy Masterclass (Auckland, June 2022)
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  • 2021
    Mediation Masterclass: Positive Results for Pleased Clients(Auckland, March 2021)
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  • 2023
    Charities and Not for Profits Update (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2022
    Incorporated Societies: Requirements Post the New Act (Auckland, September 2022)
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  • 2024
    Environment and Planning Law Summit (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Environmental Law and Policy: RMA Reforms and Updates (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    RMA Reform, Climate Change and Case Law Update (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2023
    Climate Change, Tikanga Māori & Resource Management in the Courts (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Environmental Law and Climate Change Summit (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2022
    Environmental Law Summit (Auckland, March 2022)
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  • 2021
    Environmental Law Summit (Auckland, March 2021)
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  • 2024
    Unit Titles Act: New Changes & Critical Considerations (Auckland, May 2024)
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  • 2024
    Commercial Leasing Intensive (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Conveyancing Challenges: Cases, Drafting & Risk Mitigation (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Subdivisions Fundamentals (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2023
    Critical Property Updates: Sale, Development, Unit Titles and Cross Leases (Auckalnd, November 2023)
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  • 2023
    Subdivisions: Developments and Potential Pitfalls (Auckland, September 2023)
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  • 2023
    Unit Titles and Body Corporate Update (Auckland, June 2023)
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  • 2023
    Subdivisions Intensive (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Recent Developments in Property, Tax, and Trusts (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Critical Updates and Risk Management Strategies (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    A Practical Guide to Critical Conveyancing Concerns (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2022
    Unit Titles and Body Corporate Update (Auckland, June 2022)
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  • 2022
    Practical Guide to Conveyancing (Auckland, February 2022)
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  • 2021
    Subdivisions: Update, Practice and Procedure (Auckland, November 2021)
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  • 2021
    Construction Law: Subcontractors and the Retention Regime (Auckland, October 2021)
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  • 2021
    Mastering Subdivisions: The Complexities Unpacked (Auckland, March 2021)
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  • 2023
    Executor Duties, Trustee Conflict and Complex Probate (Auckland, November 2023)
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  • 2024
    Wills and Estate Fundamentals (Auckland, June 2024)
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  • 2024
    Trusts Law and Private Clients Symposium (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Trusts Structuring, Taxation and Management (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    Understanding Trustee Duties, Conflicts and Disputes (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2024
    PPPR & Elder Law: A Decision-Making Forum (Auckland, March 2024)
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  • 2023
    Essentials in Elder Law: Your Complete Toolkit (Auckland, September 2023)
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  • 2023
    Wills and Estate Fundamentals (Auckland, June 2023)
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  • 2023
    Estate Planning: Key Documents and Correction Powers (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Estate Disputes and Contested Probate (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Fraud, Fiduciary Relationships and Investing Trust Funds (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Trustees Duties, Trust Administration & Review (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2023
    Trusts Law Symposium (Auckland, March 2023)
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  • 2022
    rafting Complex Wills Workshop (Auckland, June 2022)
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  • 2022
    PPPR: Basic to Complex Applications (Auckland, March 2022)
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  • 2022
    Estate Planning and Asset Protection (Auckland, March 2022)
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  • 2021
    Estates and Succession: Drafting Essentials (Auckland, November 2021)
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  • 2021
    Elder Law: Capacity, Asset Protection and Abuse (Auckland, September 2021)
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  • 2021
    Probate and Estate Administration (Auckland, March 2021)
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  • 2021
    Trusts Law: Update and Insights (Auckland, March 2021)
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  • 2021
    Estate Planning, Succession and Disputes Symposium (Auckland, March 2021)
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