Insights NZ

Applying for CPD Exemption or Extensions

Written by Ivan Moric | Oct 23, 2023 3:38:59 PM

Acquiring your mandatory 10 continued professional development (CPD) points is a critical aspect of ensuring that you remain up-to-date with the latest developments in the legal profession and remain certified.

Throughout Australia, every law society’s CPD requirements differ slightly, but the general rules remain mostly the same. Here are some tips on how to handle missing your CPD point requirements so that you can still remain compliant.

Apply for An Exemption

Most law societies in Australia allow legal professionals to apply for CPD exemptions either in whole or in part. These exemptions, however, will only be granted on certain grounds.

  • Inability to participate in CPD courses due to a long-term illness or disability is one of these grounds.
  • The location of your legal practice may make it difficult for you to engage in CPD activities effectively, which could be a justification for exemption.
  • You might also be qualified for a CPD exemption if you were away from the practice of law because of extended unemployment or extended parental leave.
  • In some circumstances, you may be eligible to apply for an exemption if your part-time or casual employment has resulted in a significant reduction in your working hours.
  • If you need a practicing certificate but are not actually practicing law, you might be able to get a CPD exemption.
  • Do you have more than 40 years of experience in a practice but do not serve as the practice’s principal? You may also be eligible.

In addition to these specific grounds, you may also submit an application for a CPD exemption on the basis of hardship or other exceptional circumstances, subject to the Law Society’s judgment as to whether these circumstances are acceptable.

If you need to request an exemption from CPD, you should do so in writing using the procedures and forms specified by your territory’s relevant law society. The licensing committee will examine the request and decide whether to approve or deny the exemption.

Apply For An Extension To Complete Your CPD Requirements

If your request for a CPD exemption was denied, you might need to make things right by meeting the CPD requirements in order to keep or renew your practicing certificate.

In these situations, the majority of law societies will ask you to fill out the appropriate form and submit a plan outlining your strategy and the steps you will take to fulfill the CPD requirements and earn your points. The sooner you take care of this, the more likely your practicing certificate will renew without any problems.

To avoid needing an extension or exemption, remain compliant with law society CPD point requirements through Legalwise Seminars. Ensure that you remain at the forefront of the latest knowledge in your particular field of legal expertise and stay certified by signing up today.